How to Increase the Speed of Mozilla Firefox?

If you are a consistent user of Mozilla Firefox, you might have noticed the changes in its speed. With the frequent and continuous use, it becomes slower. In case, your Firefox runs slow, and keeps on pausing and loading frequently, there are number of process you must practice to resolve this particular problem. Here in this short blog we would be discussing few major quick fixes to get rid of this problem. You are allowed to read this blog and seek a prominent solution of this problem. Another major and ultimate option is to contact the experts at Mozilla Firefox Customer service.

Steps to boost the speed of the Mozilla Firefox

Here, are some of the common steps that can help you to increase or boost the speed of the Mozilla Firefox. You can have a look at the steps that can help you to do the same without any chaos. Have a look!

You are supposed to disable the multiple process Windows

The Firefox Quantum is actually designed to increase the speed of the Mozilla Firefox. It eventually turns the Mozilla’s browser into multi-processes just like Chrome. on the other hand, some users also complain that the upgrade has led to a situation where the Chrome works slower than usual. The reason behind this problem could be that the PC you are using is not handling or tackling the demands of multi-process Windows.  So, you can fix this too by following few major basic steps:
  • At first, you are supposed to go to ‘about:config’ in your Firefox browser
  • Then, you are required to seek for preferences
  • After that, you are supposed to right click on ‘browser.tabs.remote.autostart’
  • Then, you must toggle it to false
The content process limit should be increased or decreased
  • At first, you are supposed to go to the Firefox settings
  • Then, you must move to the performance heading
  • Make sure you untick the ‘use recommended performance settings’ box
  • You can use the dropdown to increase the content process limit
  • The limit could be as high as 7 or as low as 1
These are two important and easy way to increase or boost the speed of the Mozilla Firefox. You can simply fix the problem by following the above-given steps. In case, you find that the steps are not effective, you can simply contact the experts by dialing their number then and there. The engineers are present all the time to guide you, assist you or help you.


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